On May 27th, a significant event in the fire protection industry took place in Montelibretti, close to Rome (Italy): the second edition of SFO 2021, national training for the Italian fire brigade (“Vigili del Fuoco”). Hosted for two weeks at the training school of Montelibretti, 400 fire brigade members, coming from 55 areas around Italy, learned and tested how to use the new fire extinguishing equipment produced by 19 manufactures, one of whom is Anaf Fire Protection.
“We are very proud to have been selected among the manufacturers. Out of training, it is immediate to understand what an intervention by fire brigade is, and how important is to know and learn new functional and up-to-date techniques to extinguish a fire.” Yves Anaf – CEO and Founder of Anaf Fire Protection.
Together with the operative training, the fire brigade participated in lectures about extinguishing techniques. They had the chance to experiment with the efficiency of several fire extinguishers in realistic scenarios.
During the training, the fire brigade tested the extinguishing capacity of Anaf fire extinguishers, which have outstanding performances and top quality 100% Made In Italy.
Specifically, three scenarios represented different situation to face and other products to test:
- CO2 fire extinguisher with fire class 89B to extinguish a 34B fire
- Water with additives, 6 liters fire extinguisher with fire class 34A (model WS6-JP) to kill a 34B fire, and a 5A wood pile
- Foam, 6 liters fire extinguisher with fire class 34A 233B 75F, to extinguish a fire with vegetal oil
The water-based fire extinguisher (WS6-JP) is 100% biodegradable and showed an impressive extinguishing capacity, even when using a small amount of product. Moreover, it is easy to use, doesn’t block the view, and doesn’t cause breathing trouble. It is ideal for indoors; it is wholly dielectric and potent in class A. “This is the near future of fire extinguishers; with the banishment of fluorurates, from 2025, it will be mandatory to use ecological water-based extinguishing agents.”
The extinguishing of the F class fire was a piece of news to some participants, who understood the importance of such an extinguishing agent in some areas, such as kitchens, where vegetal oil is quite common. These results, both with water-based and foam agents, come from extensive research realized in the Anaf laboratories, which invested in human and economic resources to be up-to-date with the regulation and to deliver top-quality products.
“Our presence in this training confirms our constant commitment to safety, continuous improvement and to innovation always aligned with the regulation.” Yves Anaf – CEO and Founder of Anaf Fire Protection.
Anafgroup with The companies belonging to Anafgroup design and manufacture innovative technologies, products and services for the firefighting industry.
We are the European leader in the design, production, and distribution of portable and wheeled fire extinguishers for firefighting, automotive and marine; we have significant references by the international producers. Moreover, we have a complete range of firefighting products, accessories and spare parts.
Anafgroup, with its component companies, designs and manufactures innovative technologies, products and services for the firefighting industry. Founded in 1973 by Yves Anaf, still CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, counts six factories in Lombardy, six distribution centers in Italy and four branches abroad.